Saturday 3 August 2013

Just an update.

I'm still here, alive and kicking!
As I've mentioned in my previous posts, changes were to happen this year. First, we acquired a lease for another apartment somewhere southeast of the city, close to the banks of the Mekong. We didn't actually move there to live but we planned it as a - sort of - weekend rest-house.

Second, I got a new job and a full-time one. It's something that I want to do for a long time to keep me from moping around the house. My skills are put to use again and I feel productive and useful to society. Besides, I could use extra moolah for shopping since my nephews and nieces have been hinting for some cool halloween party stuff for they saw while browsing at dept 56 halloween. But I don't think their Grandma (my mum) is too happy about them asking me frequently, hihihi. But most importantly, I now have some moolah to continue collecting and swapping postcards with you again! Win-win, isn't it?

Speaking of swaps, I decided to accept some offers but to selected ones. This week, I'm sending these to the Netherlands in exchange for San Marino and Vatican City postcards:

A lesser-known temple in Angkor Wat.

Preah Vihear self-made maxicard2
A self-made maxicard. But I'm sending a postcard without the stamp.

The swapper is going for a holiday in these places and I could not really resist as I have no postcards from San Marino yet (I have only one from the Vatican City).

1 comment:

  1. Wohooo!! Congrats on your job amiga! So happy for you!! Yeah, one of the upsides of a job is - more money for postcards and stuff, te-he-he :D


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